Editorial Policy✪正规极速赛车信誉平台

Last year (ended December 2021), we restated our philosophy and embarked on a program of transformation to achieve our next growth goal. For this year, we decided to publish an integrated report to give our shareholders and other stakeholders a better idea of our new strategic direction and how we aim to achieve sustainable corporate development and create value on the road to 2030 and beyond. By reading this integrated report, you will discover how we defined our value-creation story and material issues (the issues that matter most to us and our stakeholders), and how we have aligned these issues with our business strategies. This sustainability website will provide detailed information along with related data to help you better understand our sustainability efforts.


The 2021 report pertains primarily to the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021. Some of the content pertains to other periods.
* Some activities other than this period are included.


The report primarily covers the activities of KOKUYO, 20 consolidated subsidiaries, and 10 affiliates.